As you might have already spot there's an eleventh member in the group. A Chaplain! I found this chap when I was going through my collection of pairless socks. There he was at the bottom of the box, half-painted and looking very angry. A suitable addition to my squad. As all Marine players know a Chaplain is very handy when the fight gets ugly. This fella gives a nice little boost in hand-to-hand combat. With his Liturgies of Battle I can reroll any missed hit the turn when I assault. Now that's good news when you're assaulting with 10 marines. The angry man himself is not a bad fighter either. Armed with power weapon and having 4+ invulnerable save he is a tough one to beat. Also the squad he joins in turns fearless. Respect the mans authority!

Sergeant is armed with Power fist and Storm shield. A costly combination, but a deadly one as well.

There's also a single flamer in the squad as my regular opponents are usually either Dark Eldar or Orks. A little barbeque never harmed anyone with good armor. Oh wait! Orks and Eldar don't have very good armor. What's that smell...?

To sum it all up here's a picture of the whole force so far. I was actually quite pleased with the result so far as I was taking pictures. I starts to look like a proper army. A quick calculation gave about 1100 points for whole lot.

Next on the table is the Predator. It's going to be the not-so-often-seen destructor pattern. Autocannon and pair of Heavybolters added up with pintle-mounted stormbolter gives me a nice amount of infantry killing firepower. This is Tatu signing out