Captain Colpire of Battlegroup 5/2nd Company was informed that Manufactorum 471 had seized production and did no longer respond to hails. Upon interrogations the local contacts told stories of hulking men of foul stench and pestilence, walking dead followed by swarms of carrion flies and Machines spewing rot and disease. Captain Colpire immediately reported to Chief Librarian Mephiston who had arrived to supervice and evaluate the Battlegroup 5/2nd consisting mostly of the new Primaris battlebrothers.
Upon orders of the Chief Librarian The Battlegroup 5/2nd set off to investigate the area. As they laid eyes and sensors at the Manufactorum 471 the situation became clear: Foul heretics of Nurgle had laid their lepery stumps upon the Manufactorum. Led by the mighty Lord of Contagion a sizeable group of Chaos Marines, tanks and drones had turned the workers and administators of the Manufactorum into mindless poxwalkers and tainted the area with not only their mere presence but disease and malice as well. This was not to be and had to be cleansed immediately. Should the Nurgle Warlord live, the taint of Chaos would spread rampant. No! With bolter, flame and chainsword should the unclean be babtised.
The Chaos Forces had nested near the ruined dormitories of the workers and administrators. An armoured column consisting of a huge possessed Land Raider, a tainted Predator and a Rhino was parked between the ruined dormitories and the still almost intact Servitalis. Even an artillery unit in the form of a Plagueburst Crawler had been set up in the ruins. The terrible Chaos Lord stood amidst the former workers, now tainted by Chaos and turned into mindless poxwalkers. Nearby a Chaos Spellcaster barked orders to the tanks. A second group of poxwalkers was occupying the catwalks nearby, followed and pushed around by a Foetid Bloat Drone and a Myphitic Blight Hauler.
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Hellblasters overlooking the Servitalis and the Chaos Land Raider |
The Blood Angels of 5/2nd swifthly took positions.Two squads of Intercessors creeped closer in the shadow of the Servitalis building, taking cover in the ruins. They were followed by a mighty Baal Predator and a Razorback armed with the sanctioned Twin Lascannon. At the same time a squad of Hellblasters managed to scale up on the tallest tower of the Manufactorum. The Stormraven had already locked it's approach vector. The Heretics would not know what hit them.
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Blood Angels rushing towards the foul forces of Chaos |
Fisrt strike was struck by the Stormraven carrying Mephiston and the dreadnought number 9. Hordes of poxewalker were slain in the hails of fire from the hurricane bolters and chunks of steel of the Rhino's side melted to slag by the mighty Meltagun. The assault bolters of the squad of Inceptors, that soared from the skies and landed on the balcony of the Servitalis, tore down a second blob of poxwalkers. At the same time captain Colpire with a unit of Death Company marines jumped right behind the enemy warlord and his retinue. But alas, the charge was failed due the rubble and overwatch. The enemy Warlord turned his attention to the Captain and his fellow marines.
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"Follow me my brothers! For Sanguinius and for the EMPEROR!" |
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"Oh..." |
As the battle continued in the ruins of the manufactorum the wreched heretics illuminated the Blood Angels Stormraven with devastating lascannon and combined autocannon fire. The flyer crashed in flames, but with the guidance of the Undying God-Emperor, Mephiston and the dreadnought managed to get out of the wrecage unscaved. Meanwhile a blight drone charged the Death Company squad led by the Company Chaplain. It was at that time, when the heretic Warlord charged Captain Colpire and his Death Company marines. With terrible blows of his infested axe the syphilic warlord decimated all but one battlebrother of the Death Company and wounded the captain gravely..
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The Blight Drone in combat with the second squad of Death Company |
At the same time the Foetid Drone aided by a Myphitic Blight Hauler withled away the second Death Company squad. Only one battlebrother and the chaplain remained untouched by the filth spewn by the launchers of the wreched demon engines. Mean while the combined fire from the shells of Ball Predator's assaultcannon and the Lascannon of the Razorback only managed to do minor damage on the Chaos Rhino and the Crawler.
But look! From the wreckage of the fallen Stormraven rose the Chief Librarian. He ordered the dreadnought to lay covering fire with Frag Cannon and Melta as he Himself lunged towards the Chaos Warlord. With the psychic aid of the Wings of Sanguinius Mephiston leaped over the Chaos Spellcaster and landed but a few steps from the horrific Warlord of the Chaos forces. Firing his sacret plasma pistol Mephiston ran towards and struck a flurry of blows. Finaly, The mighty Lord of Contagion fell under Mephiston's sword.
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Notice the empty space where the Lord of Contagion stood just a minute ago. |
Now, with the aid of Captain Colpire and the remaining battlebrother from Death Company, Mephiston turned his attention to the Heretical Land Raider nearby. Hellblasters laid searing plasma shots from the catwalks and with a thunderous battlecry the Librarian, the captain, the chaplain and the battlebrother struck terrible blows that detonated the Land Raiders tainted core. The blast took away the chaplain and the last remaining battlebrother, leaving Mephiston and the Captain alone and wounded.
With the enemy warlord slain, poxwalkers decimated and the Land Raider reduced to smoldering heap of scrap the tides of battle seemed to swing in the favor of Blood Angels. Leaderless, the drone and the hauler buzzed and whirled on and beneath the catwalks of the Manufactorum. In the next brief moments Mephiston, almost as an aftertought, scewered the Spellcaster with his sword as he prepared for the the final push with captain Colpire.
But the victory was not final. A squad of Heretic Astartes jumped out from the crippled Chaos Rhino and greeted the charging dreadnought with an immense hail of tainted grenades. The dreanought was ripped to pieces by the combined blasts. Also, a full squad of Blightlord Terminators teleported in front on the flanking Blood Angels infantry and started pouring bolterfire upon the primaris squads. The Intercessors could naught but hunker down in the ruins, since their Cawl pattern bolters but scracthed the twisted plate of the the terminators. Nearby the Chaos Predator pummeled the noble Baal Predator with autocannon shots quickly stripping away it's armour and weapons.
The situation grew dire as the captain and Mephiston suffered grave wounds when the whole left flank of the enemy forces fired upon them. The teleport homers activated by the last second, and teleported the captain and Mephiston back to the battle barge. Immediate Order of Retreat and Repent was issued. The primaris battlebrothers and the tactical marines, now disembarked and supported by the crippled Razorback tried to slow down the heretic terminators as the remaining hellblasters ran towards the homing beacon with the Myphitic Hauler at their heels.
As the last tactical marine fell under the power fist of the cursed chaos terminator, intercessor squads lay torn in bits and the razorback blasing smoke and flame the final three hellblasters were teleported back to the battle barge.
The battle was over. The Battlegroup 5/2nd suffered massive casualties. But all was not in vain since the enemy warlord, the mighty Lord of Contagion was slain and a good 3rd of his forces destroyed. The remaining Chaos forces were without a leader and would soon abandon the Manufactorum 471.
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MVP of the Blood Angels forces: Chief Librarian Mephiston |
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In memoriam: Dreadnought -9- |
P.S. This was my first time playing any kind of tabletop miniature game apart from a few games of X-wing.
P.P.S And it was a draw! \o/